It's A Me, Mario!
Of all of the companies in the world, few can honestly say they have brought as much joy to people as Nintendo can. Some of their more famous characters include Super Mario, (not so Super) Luigi, Yoshi the dinosaur and Bowser the big spiky, turtle, dragon... thing.
Every bit as fun (and bizarre) as Nintendo's cast of characters is the strange land they inhabit, The Mushroom Kingdom; a place where bricks tend to float in mid air and contain coins, mushrooms and magic stars which grant you temporary invincibility. This is also a place where possessing a raccoon's tail bestows you with the means to generate powered flight (after a running jump of course - we must obey the laws of physics after all!).
Nintendo Generations
Despite the fact that the world of the Super Mario Brothers was utterly insane, there can be no denying that it had a certain charm to it. Indeed, the combination of memorable characters, spot on game play and a wacky sense of joy made Mario and co. one of the most recognisable sights in gaming. The popularity of these games extended from generation to generation, with a new home based Nintendo games console coming out to fulfill the gaming dreams of kids and adults alike.
Today, we find ourselves in a truly unique situation where families can look forward to getting two home based Nintendo consoles instead of the usual one. In addition to their current generation console, the Nintendo Switch, players with an interest in retro gaming can pick up the fantastic NES Classic Mini, a miniature version of the vintage Nintendo Entertainment System which comes in with 30 classic games built-in. It's nothing short of joy in a small grey box!
Nintendo on the Go!
While Pokemon Go is seen as their flagship portable game, it is far from the only one. Ever since the original Game Boy, we've been getting increasingly sophisticated handheld consoles from Uncle Ninty, with everything from Metroid to Pikachu making an appearance, and the Nintendo 3DS XL, with its near perfect blend of fun games and great graphics, now stands as the pinnacle of handheld gaming excellence.