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HORIHORI Truck Control System

Current price €694.99
3 out of 5 stars4 reviews

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Item number: W47CH

E.A.N: 4 9 6 1 8 1 8 0 3 8 2 7 1

HORI Truck Control System

Get behind the wheel of your very own big rig with the HORI Force Feedback Truck Control System for PC. Featuring a full-size wheel to match the ones found on actual lorries! Dual motor force feedback brings unparalleled realism to the weight and feel of the wheel as you turn and navigate over various road surfaces. Additional on-board controls include left and right levers for headlight and brake controls. Sturdy, metal pedals with contactless magnetic sensors provide incredible accuracy and extreme durability. Enjoy the open road with HORI's Force Feedback Truck Control System!

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