• Image 1 of 8 of Joie Signiture Parcel LX Travel Stroller - Maple

JoieSigniture Parcel LX Travel Stroller - Maple

Current price €274.99

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Item number: WDU1T

Joie Signiture Parcel LX Travel Stroller - Maple

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Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and waste batteries must never be placed in your waste disposal or recycling bins. WEEE is taken back free of charge at electrical retail outlets on a one-for-one like-for-like basis. There is a bin for small batteries in your local store. Local authority civic amenity facilities also take back WEEE and waste batteries free of charge. WEEE and waste battery recycling is free.

Go to our WEEE policy page to learn more