• Image 1 of 2 of Nintendo Switch Pro Wireless Controller - Traditional Shape, Wireless

Nintendo SwitchPro Wireless Controller - Traditional Shape, Wireless

Current price €59.99
4.7 out of 5 stars147 reviews

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Item number: KW9NU

E.A.N: 0 0 4 5 4 9 6 4 3 0 5 2 8

Get the most from your gaming with the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller.

This gives you everything you'd expect from the traditional controller shape but with a range of great features designed especially for the Nintendo Switch. 

With its premium grips and a semi-transparent casing this controller has a feel of real quality. It has the same buttons as the Nintendo Switch in handheld mode, and is designed to be held and operated more easily than the Joy-Con controllers

It includes many of the great features found in the standard Joy-Con controllers including motion controls, HD rumble, built-in amiibo functionality and more.

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