• Image 1 of 7 of Polti Vaporetto Smart110_Eco Steam Cleaner, Unlimited Autonomy, High Pressure boiler 4 Bar, Eco Function, 10 Accessories

PoltiVaporetto Smart110_Eco Steam Cleaner, Unlimited Autonomy, High Pressure boiler 4 Bar, Eco Function, 10 Accessories

Current price €309.99

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Item number: WHPS3

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Polti Polti Vaporetto Smart110_Eco Steam Cleaner, Unlimited Autonomy, High Pressure boiler 4 Bar, Eco Function, 10 Accessories

"Polti Vaporetto Smart 110_Eco is the steam cleaner with unlimited autonomy for cleaning the whole home. Ready to use in just 2 minutes, the pull-out tank and compact size make it the perfect ally for hygiene.
- Kills and eliminates 99.99% of viruses, germs and bacteria*
- Eco Function
- 10 accessories included
*Tests conducted by independent laboratories on the most common microorganisms attest to the fact that Polti steam cleaners kill and eliminate up to 99.99% of viruses, germs and bacteria."
  • Depth: 325 MM
  • Height: 290 MM
  • Width: 325 MM
  • Cordless: N
  • Handheld: N
  • Cleans without chemicals
  • High pressure boiler, up to 4 Bar
  • 2L Water tank capacity
  • 10 Accessories included
  • Steam output up to 110 g/min

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