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  • Image 2 of 6 of Scruffs Harvard Memory Foam Orthopaedic Mattress
  • Image 3 of 6 of Scruffs Harvard Memory Foam Orthopaedic Mattress
  • Image 4 of 6 of Scruffs Harvard Memory Foam Orthopaedic Mattress
  • Image 5 of 6 of Scruffs Harvard Memory Foam Orthopaedic Mattress
  • Image 6 of 6 of Scruffs Harvard Memory Foam Orthopaedic Mattress
  • Image thumbnail 1 of 6 of Scruffs Harvard Memory Foam Orthopaedic Mattress
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  • Image thumbnail 3 of 6 of Scruffs Harvard Memory Foam Orthopaedic Mattress
  • Image thumbnail 4 of 6 of Scruffs Harvard Memory Foam Orthopaedic Mattress
  • Image thumbnail 5 of 6 of Scruffs Harvard Memory Foam Orthopaedic Mattress
  • Image thumbnail 6 of 6 of Scruffs Harvard Memory Foam Orthopaedic Mattress

ScruffsHarvard Memory Foam Orthopaedic Mattress

Current price from €109.99
5 out of 5 stars1 reviews

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Product description

Item number: VV8PD

E.A.N: 5 0 6 0 3 2 8 8 2 7 9 8 2

Created with the well-being of older and larger dogs in mind, the Scruffs Harvard range of orthopaedic memory foam pet beds offers exceptional support, comfort, and relief.

Whether it's for those leisurely days or to rejuvenate after long walks, Scruffs designed Harvard pet beds to cater to your pet's needs.

Scruffs' improved designs ensure that sleep areas remain flat, providing even distribution of our repurposed memory foam fill for the ultimate in comfort. The herringbone fabric outer, complemented by soft plush interior walls and cushions, adds a modern twist to a classic look while retaining all the features you've come to expect from a Scruffs Smart Bed.

For your convenience, a removable waterproof inner cushion makes machine washing a breeze, ensuring that these pet beds are not only comfortable but also easy to maintain.

  • Large (100cm x 70cm / 39" x 27.5")
  • X-Large (120cm x 75cm / 47" x 29.5")
  • Care Instructions: Included
  • Fabric Material: Polyester
  • Created with the well-being of older and larger dogs in mind.
  • The Harvard range of orthopaedic memory foam pet beds offers exceptional support, comfort, and relief.
  • Prevents doming of sleep areas
  • Memory foam fill
  • Non-slip base

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