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ThrustmasterThrustmaster AVA BASE + F/A 18C Hornet Flight Stick

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Item number: W668F

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Thrustmaster AVA BASE + F/A 18C Hornet Flight Stick

Create your own piloting style with AVA (Advanced Versatile Aviation) - the new high-end Thrustmaster joystick base, customizable for each pilot and adaptable to any type of aviation. AVA adapts to your style for subtle handling, and sensations that are tailored to you. Thanks to its all-metal mechanism, you can easily change the four functional elements of your joysticks: the axis curve, resistance, travel and damping. AVA's design was specially created for quick modification of all its elements, allowing for customization between flights, and on-the-fly adjustments.
The AVA F/A-18 Super Hornet Flightstick version includes a metal plate for desktop use, an offset adapter to adjust the flight stick to 15 or 30 degrees, and a 1:1-scale replica of the F/A-18C Hornet flight stick featuring a panel of 19 action buttons, and developed under official Boeing license.

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