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PowerAEnhanced Wireless Controller for Nintendo Switch - Color Splash Heroes

Current price €54.99
5 out of 5 stars1 reviews

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Item number: WCADF

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PowerA Enhanced Wireless Controller for Nintendo Switch - Color Splash Heroes

Officially licensed by Nintendo, this PowerA Enhanced Wireless Controller for Nintendo looks amazing and plays even better. Each rechargeable controller features gorgeous world-class art from some of the most talented designers in the gaming industry and is feature-packed, to ensure optimal in-game performance and reliability. Program two mappable Advanced Gaming Buttons on-the-fly, tilt your way through twists and turns with intuitive motion controls, and enjoy hours of gaming with super-comfortable ergonomics and playability. Plus, get up to 30 hours of gameplay on a single charge, courtesy of a potent internal lithium-ion rechargeable 900mAh battery. This controller is so awesome, you may never want to put it down. Includes a 10ft (3m) USB-C charge cable, plus PowerA backs all products for 2-years to reinforce quality commitment.
  • Depth: 153 MM
  • Height: 63 MM
  • Width: 112 MM

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